- hello everyone welcome back to my blog, today I will be telling you a storytime of my favorite vacations.
once I was at home watching television, when my father came home and told me and my sisters that in 2 weeks we would take a family trip with my aunt to 3 destinations, he also told me that the destinations would be a surprise The two weeks passed and I went to the first destination, upon arrival I felt lost but then I saw that there was a beach and my father said we arrived in Santa Marta.
I loved the landscape, I was having an excellent day I went to the beach and enjoyed it a lot, but I was wondering where the other destination would be, we were home 5 days in Santa Marta when we went to the next destination, I was very excited, when we arrived I saw again beach, and I told my father, "we are back in Santamarta", my father told me, we didn't get to Cartagena.
I enjoyed so much cantagena that I did not want to go back to the beach, we were heading to the other destination, I had no idea where it was, the trip lasted about 6 hours, when I arrived I was a little tired but I saw that there was no beach and That relaxed me a little, the next day we went to a place and when I saw there was a river, and my dad told me we were in Valledupar, I loved this trip so much that I still remember it.
Thank you for reading:3.
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